Camp Info

Dates for 2025:

Session 1: (*entering grades 2-5), July 14-18
Session 2: (*entering grades 6-8), July 21-25
*Grade as of September 2025

Monday, July 14 at 8:00 -9:00 am (Session 1)
Monday, July 21 at 8:00-9:00 am (Session 2)

Closing program:
Friday, July 18, at 7:00 pm (Session 1)
Friday, July 25, at 7:00 pm (Session 2)

Skill & activities:
Skills in the past have included: archery, canoeing, arts and crafts, organized sports, outdoor education, balloon animals, swimming, wood projects and journalism. See registration for which skills will be available this year.  

Directions to camp:
Take Hwy 20 north past the village of Winnipegosis and follow #20 for 5 km until Red Deer Pt. Road (gravel road). Continue on Red Deer Point Road then turn at the first right. The camp will be on your left.

What to bring to camp (carefully labeled):
sleeping bag
clothing (for hot and cold weather)
soap, hairbrush, etc.
insect repellent/sunscreen
water bottle
modest swimwear
Running shoes & socks

Please avoid bringing the following to camp:
no electronics allowed (including phone and tablets)
water guns/balloons
offensive clothing
short shorts
crop tops
bikinis and overly revealing swimwear
vapes/vaping pens

Visiting policy
In order to allow your child and all of our campers and staff to make the most of their camp experience, we ask that you refrain from unplanned, unannounced visits to the camp. If necessary, upon registration, please talk to the directors to make arrangements on an individual basis.

Terms of Enrollment

The acting director reserves the right to dismiss a camper who, in the opinion of the director, is a hazard to the safety and rights of others, and who shows a blatant disregard for the stated camp rules.

As the parent and guardian of your child, you authorize the camp nurse and/or director to obtain such medical advice and services as may be deemed necessary for your child, and you will reimburse the camp for any medical expenses incurred.

Camp reserves the right to hold back campers from activities if attire or behavior is deemed inappropriate.

While all precautions are taken regarding the safety and well-being of all campers in the event of an accident, illness or misfortune that may occur to applicant camper, the directors, camp staff and Nordheim Mennonite Church are hereby released from any liability.