What we believe

We believe that God exists, and is pleased with all who draw near to Him by faith. We worship the one holy, and loving God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit eternally. We believe that through Jesus Christ, God offers salvation from sin and a new way of life.
Sagemace Bible Camp is a ministry of Nordheim Mennonite Church, a part of Mennonite Church Manitoba. We, along with Mennonite Church Saskatchewan, Alberta, B.C., and Mennonite Church Eastern Canada are a body, Mennonite Church Canada.

Our Purpose:  To introduce children to a loving relationship with Jesus, according to Scripture, through teaching, music, staff, activities, and new relationships in a safe, wholesome, fun and encouraging environment.

For more information about what we believe, please follow the links below:

What is a Confession of Faith?
Our Confession of Faith