About Us

Sagemace Bible Camp, Winnipegosis, Manitoba.

Sagemace is an Indigenous word that means “mosquito”! Sagemace Bible Camp has been around for more than 50 years. The camp is four and a half miles north of the village of Winnipegosis, off of Highway 20.

Because of many monetary and material donations, the camp has managed to keep the registration fees low. The camp has started paying an honorarium to the director, speakers and counselors. The staff teaching the skills, and the kitchen staff are all volunteers. All meals are homemade on site.

Volunteers have and still come from all over the province. God has been faithful! Even when the lake was high in past years and the camp was covered in water, God always made a way. He always provides a rainbow.

The past few years the camp has had approximately 35 campers per week. All the cabins have bunk beds. In 2018, we restored Pine Ridge, one of our older cabins, and have opened its doors for use again. 

Activities at the camp have included swimming, archery, canoeing, crafts, art, outdoor education, wood working, drama, balloon animals, and games. A big event is always the counselor hunt!

Bible stories and lessons are taught by guest speakers. Singing is something that the children put their whole heart into. The Leader In Training program (L.I.T.) is offered to campers who have outgrown being a camper, but want to continue to be involved with the camp. They work under the supervision of a senior staff. Their work includes, helping in the kitchen, cleaning bathrooms, spending time together as a group, having devotions and helping in the cabins.

2020 would have been our 59th year of camp! Many things have changed. For some families, three generations have attended camp. Many people have passed through the camp doors. Some came as campers then returned as staff. Many have sent their children and grandchildren. With all the campers who have come through, seeds have been planted.

The camp continues to be an important ministry of the Nordheim Mennonite church. The influence and impact of this camp is far reaching, and as we seek to minister, we are also ministered to. Sagemace Bible Camp continues, not because of us, but because of God’s grace, blessings, and purpose. Camp still involves a lot of hard work by many, many hands, but if you have ever been involved in camp, in any way, you soon begin to see God’s hands at work, no matter what the situation.